Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Of Survival and Self Sufficiency

They train, but their
superiors don't believe.
Faithful survivors, I know I've been away. This has been a time of change in my life. Previously I was working for a defense contractor. I worked with military fire team training. It was good work. I helped people survive, which is my real goal in life. About a month and a half ago I decided to set out on my own and go into business for myself. The military didn't see the urgency of the zombie threat. They still treat it like a joke or something from a science fiction movie.

We know the truth.

Over the past month I have been traveling to certain locations, in and out of the United States, recruiting and identifying locations for safe houses and rally points in the case of a zombie incursion. My travels will continue for the next year and a half or so. Now that I have settled into my new life, our lessons can continue.

Possible safe house/rally point.
During the past month I have not lost contact with all of you. I've spoken with a good number of potential survivors. They have had questions. Some I have answered. Some I took my time and considered. In either situation I took away a lot of potential material for lessons.

I am also now able to impart to you certain information you need to know that I was prohibited from providing before now. My contract prevented my from informing anyone of the scenarios we were working with. I am no longer under contract. Those scenarios and training tools will be yours to learn and use.

We WILL survive this.

I will show you how.

Safe Houses don't have to be miserable. If my travels happen to take me to
Bermuda while searching for potential recruits and Safe Houses, shouldn't I enjoy it?


  1. I personally don't really believe that there will ever be a Zombie apocalypse but from reading your blog, I know that I have the basics down just in case if this really happens :)

  2. I was wondering, what should I do if there was a Zombie apocalypse at school? I know that almost everyone would panic and start running outside but I'm 99% sure that they will all be bitten if they did that. Should I maybe stay in the class room until everything dies down? Or should I wait and then try to get outside and find a safer place to hide until I can get a hold of a makeshift weapon? Maybe you can add this to your blog? :)

  3. Depending on the design of the school, it could be a good place to fortify and hunker down. Just make sure you have access to the Cafeteria. You don't want to starve while trying to survive. The problem then becomes weapons. Schools are notoriously bereft of weapons. It might be better to wait it out for few days before trying to make it to a safe house.
