Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Urgent Report!

Current side effects of Cocaine
While I tend to stick to one lesson at a time, I feel a civic responsibility to alert you to a new and alarming event. Cocaine, party drug of choice for many groups, has recently been cited as the cause of a flesh eating disease in several cases.
In a case study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Craft describes six cocaine users recently plagued by the dark purple patches of dying flesh. And while they happened to hail from the country's coastlines, the problem is national.
Apparently upwards of 80% of the seized and tested American coke supply has the drug levamisole in it. Levamisole is a drug used by veterinarians to deworm livestock. Unfortunately, some people's immune systems are having extreme reactions to the coke additive. It is cause the flesh of their bodies to die and decay.

I had never considered cocaine as the cause of the zombie apocalypse, but we must remain ever vigilant! If you are a cocaine user, which is not something I condone, I'd recommend laying off for a while until this mess has been sorted. I would hate to know that some of the potential survivors didn't make it because the had a penchant for the cause of the Zplague.

Please, be careful. Don't let your vices turn you into a zombie.


To learn more, check out the articles on ABC and the Huffington Post:

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